One Law Firm. Many Attorneys. All to Serve You Better.
The experienced attorneys at Hawthorne & Hawthorne are pleased to serve clients throughout Southside Virginia. Whether you need to go to court, you need someone to look at paperwork that you unexpectedly got in the mail, or you need help in any of our many practice areas, our lawyers can answer your questions and help guide you.

Bob Hawthorne
Let Bob Hawthorne help you with your real estate closing, your estate planning, or your business planning. Mr. Hawthorne is experienced in advising counties, towns, and banks. He primarily serves clients in the Kenbridge and Keysville offices.

Robert E. Hawthorne, Jr.
Let Robert E. Hawthorne, Jr. help you with your speeding ticket, your real estate closing, your real estate litigation, your estate planning, or your business planning. Mr. Hawthorne is experienced in advising towns, banks, and land trusts. He primarily serves clients in the Blackstone, Victoria, and Halifax offices.

Derrick P. Fellows
Let Derrick P. Fellows help you with your conservation easement, your commercial real estate closing, or your business planning. Mr. Fellows is experienced in advising land trusts and other nonprofits and in assisting banks in reviewing subordination requests. He primarily serves clients in the Victoria and Farmville offices.

Susan G. Andrews
Let Susan G. Andrews help you with your divorce, your real estate closing, or your civil lawsuit (including real estate litigation). Ms. Andrews has decades of experience in representing clients in the courtroom. She primarily serves clients in the Keysville, Farmville, and Blackstone offices.

Bradley D. Foster
Let Bradley D. Foster defend your rights in court if you are faced with a criminal charge, traffic citation, or civil lawsuit. Mr. Foster is also available to assist with your estate plan. He primarily serves clients in the Kenbridge and Farmville offices.

Lisa M. Bradshaw
Let Lisa M. Bradshaw help you with your estate planning, your real estate closing, or your business planning. She primarily serves clients in the Blackstone and Farmville offices.
Contact One of Our Experienced Lawyers Today!
It’s impossible for any one attorney to handle all practice areas in today’s complicated legal environment—but, with several attorneys on staff, odds are good that at least one lawyer at Hawthorne & Hawthorne can meet your needs. To schedule your consultation, contact one of our offices today!